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Love Offering For Haiti

As many of you know, the nation of Haiti is in turmoil. Pastor Predestin (our connection with the pastor association and My Father's House Orphanage) said that people there are struggling to find food. They can't get out of their homes on many days because of protestors on the streets. When they can get out they are finding most grocery stores nearly empty. The food that is available is extremely expensive. That's why we are taking a love offering to assist with this food crisis. Our church has already made a $200 contribution for this purpose and now we're asking you to help by sharing out of your abundance. We're setting aside Sunday, October 13th as "Love Offering for Haiti Day." All contributions (above your normal tithe) designated "Haiti" will be sent to Pastor Predestin to buy food for the orphans at My Father's House. We are also including an online giving link for those who wish to make a contribution for this purpose electronically.


Thank you for your gracious, generous, faithful support of the mission work we are all engaged in.

October 13

Hope Clinic Collections

October 13

MCT Meeting