LWCC Ministries.

Ministries at Living Water

Sunday Gathered Worship

What are we supposed to do with the good news about Jesus Christ? How should we respond?

The answer is to worship God by glorifying Him in all we think, do, and speak. But what is


Worship is what we give our hearts, thoughts, time, and resources to. Worship is the activity of

building our lives on whatever we believe - regardless of what we say - will give us life.

Therefore, worship is the continual battle for what the Bible calls “the heart.” According to the

Bible, we are all worshippers, and we are worshipping all the time.

That’s why we at Living Water, meet for gathered worship every Sunday to hear again the good

news about Jesus Christ and to immerse ourselves in God’s story of redemption.

We meet for gathered worship every week because we can’t do the life of faith alone. We need a

steady diet of God’s word and God’s people to experience what the Apostle Paul calls, “Christ in

you, the hope of glory.”

Ministry to Children

Here’s what drives our ministry to children:

Guided by prayer, Biblical teaching and love for children

We are dedicated to working alongside parents. To develop and grow relationships with Christ.

In a nurturing and exciting learning environment.

We provide a safe, loving, inviting, and caring place during Sunday gathered worship for young

children (infant to pre-school) who are building warm feelings for God and His Church. Our

intent is to lay foundations of faith by teaching Bible truths through hands-on activities, active

drama, crafts, and songs. Childcare volunteers have undergone background checks and provide a

safe, positive learning environment. 

We also provide age-appropriate activities for children at the level of Kindergarten curriculum

during worship. Children stay with their family members during the singing portion of the

service and then exit to a room just off the gymnasium where we worship.

Home Group Ministries

Our home groups provide times for building community, studying the Bible, sharing our

concerns with one another, supporting one another, and serving with one another. We have

several home groups to choose from and are always looking to begin new groups as the needs

line up with people willing to host and facilitate.

Tech Team

This is a team where people put their talents to use each week. They run the audio, keep

track of the video, and make sure that the web live stream is working properly. They also

upload the new messages each week to the Living Water YouTube Channel. 

Greeter Team

Here’s a place for people who love people. Greeters help newcomers (and old timers) feel

warmly welcomed. They can help you find what’s happening where and get you there safely,

introducing you to people who will make sure you feel like you belong.